. . .working on it.

This post is late.

I wrote down and added to my calendar to write and share by February 9th. I've wanted so badly to be more organized and consistent, but life, right?

I went a whole week with researching social media management, work-from-home and blogging tips and advice; visited with my Hunky Farmer about using our ranch FB page to experiment and practice...and then life.

Biggest Boy got sick, stayed home from school sick and then shared the sickness with me. I don't normally get too sick. A cold here and there, but this was a cold that knocked me down and it's been 5 days and I'm finally feeling a bit normal. Still up coughing through the night (I mean really? Smallest Boy is finally sleeping and now I can't!) but at least I can move without getting short of breath.

Moving on.

So I'm working on this "Be Brave" concept and one thing I've learned is to be honest and share how I'm wanting to be brave. Kind of like accountability, but also kind of like writing down a goal; if you don't share it you won't have the support and encouragement that we all need to keep moving forward.

When I chose to get my degree in Graphic Design I had imagined myself working in advertising somewhere. Or maybe a magazine, putting together the layout for the world to read and admire. At the very least, at a newspaper in the ad department.

Logo design scared me. Coming up with a great design that would be a business's "first impression" felt like a whole lot of pressure that I wasn't sure I could deal with. But here I am nearly 11 years since I graduated with that associate's degree and hoping I can find more logo design work. I have been fortunate enough to have friends reach out to me to do work for them and then share my name with those who may need similar help.

And it's been so much fun!

I've always been creative (in my mind anyway) and I've enjoyed using that creativity for others; making cards was something I did a lot when I was younger and I loved trying new mediums when I finally had the chance in high school art class. I knew I wasn't the greatest - I mean art was NOT going to be a career path for me - but what I enjoyed was creating something to give to someone and it's more the love behind the gift than the quality of it.

"Remember that there are many different kinds of gifts, but God is the Source of them all."

100 Days to Brave by Annie F Downs

And I still feel that way. The logos I've been trusted to design all have a little piece of my heart in them. That's how I've started looking at that design process - I am giving something creative to these businesses to help them and being able to do that brings me so much joy!

So today, after nearly a week of feeling crappy, I am "hitting the books" again - digging deep to define my "why" for this new adventure, working on my time management to get organized,


. . .enough to jump!


. . .but am I?